Don’t worry about it – No se preocupe./No te preocupes This phrase translates to “don’t mention it.” When you surprise your latino boyfriend with breakfast or your latina girlfriend by washing her dirty car and she thanks you, you may respond with “no lo menciones.” 13. This phrase has a double meaning if you translate it to English because it can mean “you’re welcome” but also “don’t mention it.” If you are ever thanked for doing a simple favor like taking out the trash, you may respond with “no hay de que.” 12. This phrase is commonly used in Ecuador and surrounding countries. When someone has helped you move a couple of boxes from the storage to your attic and you are thanked for it, you may respond “por nada” instead of using the common “de nada” if you prefer. It literally translates to “of nothing.” This phrase is rarely heard and said so it may catch you by surprise when you hear “por nada”. When anyone thanks you after a good deed like taking out the garbage or mowing the lawn for free, you may respond with “no hay problema.” 10. It translates to “no problem.” It may be used when you genuinely do a favor for a friend, family, or co-worker and you are thanked for it. This is the next best way to say you’re welcome in Spanish. Your response to a “thank you” will never go wrong in Spanish because it is very universal. This phrase is the most common response to “thank you.” “De nada” literally translates to “from nothing” but it is used to mean “you are welcome.” When someone says “gracias”, you may respond with “de nada”. The best way to say you’re welcome in Spanish. Here are some ways to say you’re welcome in Spanish. Okay, now you know a bunch of ways to say thank you in Spanish. This phrase translates to “a thousand thanks.” You may use this when you are really thankful for any kind of favor done for you that saved your life! You may thank a certain individual or group by saying “mil gracias.”
Thank you and best regards in spanish free#
If someone has done a lot for you, feel free to use this. Thanks for everything – Gracias por todoĪ very good way to say thank you in Spanish. This phrase translates to “I appreciate it” or “I appreciate you.” It is an indirect way of telling someone “thank you.” Whenever someone does any kind of favor for you, you may tell them “te lo agradezco” instead of “gracias” and mean the same thing.Ħ.
This word is like the universal word for thank you in Spanish. You’ll learn both,”thank you,” and “you’re welcome.
This guide will add whole bunch of phrases to your brain. Want a little more? Want to sound like a fluent speaker? Well, you got it. To say thank you in Spanish, all you need is “ gracias.”